Monday, July 20, 2009

Advent's Limehouse stands firm.

Dean of the Cathedral of the Advent, The Very Rev. Frank F. Limehouse, III Stand tall and firm in wake of the General Convention ...

Neither shocked or surprised he says ...

I would question the clear-mindedness of anyone who doesn’t see where the denomination is headed. The Episcopal Church continues, with increasing momentum, to depart from the teachings of the universal church and to "tear the fabric of the Anglican Communion at its deepest level."

I would question the clear-mindedness of anyone who doesn’t see where the denomination is headed. The Episcopal Church continues, with increasing momentum, to depart from the teachings of the universal church and to "tear the fabric of the Anglican Communion at its deepest level."

Where does the Advent go from here? It will take a few days of prayer and reflection before I can say more. While we face significant challenges and changes, this is no time for panic. I will be talking to mentors and respected colleagues.

Read it all here

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Northern Plains Anglicans: Northern Plains Perspective(s)

Northern Plains Anglicans: Northern Plains Perspective(s)

Must read for times such as these!

Bishop Parsley sends out some spin ...

ummm . emphasis is mine and so are the red letter rebuttals .... this text is found here

July 17, 2009

To the Clergy and People of the Diocese of Alabama

Dear Friends,

The 76th General Convention is soon to conclude in Anaheim, California. Your bishops and deputies have been working and praying daily since last Tuesday to care for the life of this beloved church and further the mission of God entrusted to us.

Conventions are usually trying experiences, as faithful people debate difficult issues and respond to the challenges of our time. This one has been no different, but in the midst of it all there has been often a spirit of charity and forbearance that has been most welcome.

Our theme of ubuntu has reminded us that in Christ we are members one of another and need each other deeply.

Several important legislative decisions have been made, which you will have heard about in the media. The secular press does not always reflect the full detail and subtleties of the church’s decisions; so I wish to frame some of these briefly.

We adopted resolution D025 that affirms both our abiding commitment to the Anglican Communion and our belief that God can call any person to the church’s ordained ministries, including gay or lesbian persons, and that such call is tested in accordance with the Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church. It is a nuanced resolve, which I do not view as rescinding the resolution of the last convention (B033) about exercising restraint in the consecration of bishops whose manner of life presents a challenge to the wider communion. Instead it describes where the American Church is in this ongoing discernment process, affirms our national canons, and emphasizes that we respect the differences among us.

Ok ok ok .. Can't help myself here ....

Well, that's a stretch because the Constitution and Canons call for affirmation of the following by all ordained persons:
I do believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the Word of God, and to contain all things necessary to salvation; and I do solemnly engage to conform to the Doctrine, Discipline, and Worship of the Episcopal Church. Declaration." (Article III)
Earlier, the Constitution declares that the Episcopal Church is committed to "upholding and propagating the historic Faith and Order as set forth in the Book of Common Prayer. " (Preamble of the Constitution of The Episcopal Church).

Resolution D025 (as does C056) do not conform with the Constitution and Canons of The Episcopal Church which recognize the authority and teaching on scripture which is quite clear about what is considered holy living. The Faith and Order set forth in the Book of Common Prayer only recognizes matrimony between a man and woman as being holy living.

The Windsor Report recognized that and those facts on the ground have not changed. That The Episcopal Church is now not only admitting that this type of behavior has been welcomed, it has promoted it as a tool for bringing new members into the church (with disastrous results). The Spirit is doing a new thing, they say - either that is true or it is not. The Episcopal Church is rejoicing that it is true and they are no longer to pretend otherwise. (Thanks to Babyblue for this breakdown)

Ok now back to Bishop Parsley ....

I did not vote for the adoption (but my suffragan did .... ooops I did it again) of the above resolution, because of my belief that we have considerable more theological work to do in discerning the mind of Christ in these matters and in faithfulness to the continuing Windsor process. I did support the next resolution, C056 that recognizes there are a growing number of states where same gender unions or marriages are now legal and where the church needs to respond to the pastoral needs of our members. The resolution calls for an open and careful theological and liturgical study about such potential blessings, and calls for theological reflection from throughout the Anglican Communion. The resolve commits us to “collect and develop theological and liturgical resources” and report to the next convention. No authorization was given for liturgies for same gender blessings, as some of the press has reported. Especially in states where same gender marriage has been made legal the resolve affirms bishops offering generous pastoral care.

(ok - I can buy that you did not make the new liturgies .... but which ones were your former suffragan - using in California??? what did he use when he ordained a transgendered individual to the Dianconite?) ... sorry didn't mean to interrupt.What did he use when he performed same gendered marriages in California??? Bet he will forward these right on up the chain - don't ya think?

Many of you know that I believe that serious theological work has been needed for a long time, which C056 provides for. I trust that this will help the church in our corporate discernment on these important and challenging matters. The resolution also affirms that we honor the theological diversity of this Church in regard to matters of human sexuality.

The convention heard a challenging address from the Archbishop of Canterbury about the global economic crisis and our response as Christian people.
(He also asked you all not pass resolutions that would continue to stress the communion - why did you tell the good folks this?) We adopted a canonically mandated national medical program that promises to help us reduce the cost of health care for our clergy and lay employees, while providing excellent coverage. We have passed a substantially reduced budget for the Foreign and Domestic Missionary Society in the coming triennium, reflecting the economic situation of the moment. It diminishes some of our national structure and program, but largely preserves a focus on mission. We have adopted a lay pension program that will be canonically mandated for lay employees who work 20 hours or more a week. We have adopted a number of important resolutions on the issues of the environment. (How come you couldn't pass the resolution affirming the uniqueness of Christ? but could pass a resolution that the Bible is anti jewish)

Bishop Sloan and I have served on the Prayer Book, Liturgy, and Music Committee, which has met endlessly and considered a host of additions to our calendar of commemorations and many other liturgical resources to enrich our prayer and worship.

Each day your bishops and deputies have joined in prayer and in celebrations of the Holy Eucharist, which have sustained us and deepened our sense of communion with Christ and one another. We have seen wonderful friends and experienced many aspects of the life and ministry of the Episcopal Church that are very life-giving and hopeful.

We will have more occasions to report on the convention in the fall. Meanwhile you can find full information about the convention’s work on the Episcopal Church website,

We are grateful for your prayers for all of us during these days, and we send our love and blessings.

Your faithful servant in Christ,

Henry N. Parsley Jr.

Alabama bishop defends Episcopal Church statement in support of ordaining homosexuals

Although critics have blasted the Episcopal Church for its statement in support of ordaining homosexuals this week at its General Convention, Alabama Bishop Henry N. Parsley defended the denomination's stance as valuing the rights of all its members.

"We passed a large and subtle resolution, wanting to value the ministries of gays and lesbians," Parsley said in an interview.

The Episcopal Convention, meeting in Anaheim, Calif., passed a resolution Tuesday that "any ordained ministry" in the 2.3 million-member denomination is open to homosexuals.

Read it all here ....

Friday, July 17, 2009

Does your Nea mean Yea!???

Yesterday several Bishops of the the Episcopal Organization signed and declared what they call they call the Anaheim Statement. You can read it all here ... but here are the highlights:

The statement:

  • reaffirmed the bishops’ “constituent membership in the Anglican Communion, our communion with the See of Canterbury, and our commitment to preserving these relationships”;

  • reaffirmed their “commitment to the doctrine, discipline, and worship of Christ as this Church has received them”;

  • reaffirmed their “commitment to the three moratoria requested of us by the Instruments of Communion”;

  • reaffirmed their “commitment to the Anglican Communion Covenant process currently underway, with the hope of working toward its implementation across the Communion once a Covenant is completed”;

  • reaffirmed their “commitment to ‘continue in the apostles’ teaching and fellowship’ which is foundational to our baptismal covenant, and to be one with the apostles in ‘interpreting the Gospel’ which is essential to our work as bishops of the Church of God.”
This of course is an attempt to appease the faithful back home, before they head for the exits. Let me say just a few things here, as for re-affirming your commitment to the Gospel Message as received by Christ - Baloney! Bishops you can not have your cake and eat it too ... regardless of what you think your Organization has received - it in now way reflects the Gospel of our Lord - which has not changed, will not change and can not change! You can not call an orange an apple for the sake of selling more oranges.

At least 7 of you voted for C056 or D025- which calls for the Organization of which you are a member to create liturgies for blessing GLBT's unions and marriages and committed relationships ... or opening the ordination process for all "baptized persons" (couldn't at least one of you also made it "CONFIRMED AND BAPTIZED?") which is contray to God's law, and don't blame the Holy Spirit for a new revelation - as being of God and with God - the Spirit does not Change EITHER!
The 7 that signed this seem to be sitting on an imaginary fence, one that does not exist ... Those 7 are:
  1. The Rt. Rev Dorsey Henderson, Upper South Carolina (Voted Yes on D025 and C056)
  2. The Rt. Rev Don Johnson, West Tennessee (Voted Yes on D025)
  3. The Rt. Rev Alfredo Morante, Litoral Ecuador (Voted Yes on C056)
  4. The Rt. Rev Henry Parsley, Alabama (Voted Yes on C056)
  5. The Rt. Rev Pierre Whalon, Convocation of American Churches in Europe (Voted Yes on D025 and C056)
  6. The Rt. Rev Sylestre Romero, Assistant-- New Jersey (Voted Yes on D025)
  7. The Rt. Rev John Sloan, Suffragan--Alabama (Voted Yes on C056)
I invite all of you who are in authority to return to the Gospel, as it was proclaimed by Christ and the Apostles. Leave your degrees on the carpet and read the Word, learn the Word, teach the Word and and then Preach the Word.

I have far more respect for those Deputies in So Carolina that were not allowed to read their statement to the house on this the Last Day of Gen Con 09 ..

They wanted to say :

Madam President

South Carolina stands before you with broken hearts. By passing Resolution D025 and C056 this General Convention has overturned the clear and consistent teaching of Holy Scripture and the Christian Church. We will have repudiated the teaching and practice of the Anglican Communion. The Communion's patience and generosity toward the Episcopal Church makes our persistent refusal to heed their requests to us to honor the called for moratoria all the more devastating.

Many of us us here this morning, and in Dioceses, parishes, and pews throughout the Episcopal Church, disavow this General Convention's actions. Will will now prayerfully seek ways to be faithful to the Anglican Communion and to the mutual responsibility and interdependence to which we are called, no matter what the cost.

I pray God to continue to bless and lead those deputies from So Carolina.

Defense of Marriage Statutes

All Episcopalians are now called to speak out against the Defense of Marriage, which has the Episciopal Church official telling those who are politically or socially conservative or even Republican Episcopalians to act against their conscience.

So whether or not you think Marriage is between a man or a woman - as an Episcopalian your "church" now decrees it is your responsibility and calling to speak out against the Defense of marriage Act .....

House of Deputies TEC Gen Con

55 needed majority in lay
55 needed majority in clerical

Lay 70 yes, 28 no, 11 divided (no)
54% passes
Clerical 60 yes, 35 no, 14 divided (no)
55% passes

C023 reads:

Resolved, the House of _______ concurring, That this 76th General Convention reject the belief that the existence of marriage, civil union, or domestic partnership between same-sex individuals has a detrimental effect on opposite-sex marriage; and be it further

Resolved, That the Convention call on Congress to repeal the so-called "Defense of Marriage" statute passed on September 21, 1996 [Public Law No. 104-199, 110 Stat. 2419, codified at 1 U.S.C. § 7 and 28 U.S.C. § 1738C]; and be it further

Resolved, That the Convention call on all Episcopalians to work against the passage of so-called "Defense of Marriage" state statutes and state constitutional amendments, and, in states where such statutes or constitutional amendments already exist, to work for their repeal.


"Defense of Marriage" statutes and constitutional amendments increasingly have little relationship to marriage, let alone its "defense." Most of the amendments and citizen propositions passed in the last five years have included provisions such as that in the 2004 Ohio amendment, and "this state and its political subdivisions shall not create or recognize a legal status or relationship of unmarried individuals that intends to proximate the design, qualities, significance or effect of a marriage." This is intended to prohibit the recognition of domestic partnerships, civil unions and all benefits for partners of state employees - even when those benefits are achieved through collective bargaining. Ironically, even non-LGBT Ohioans have been affected since the courts ruled that unmarried persons may not seek protection from state-sponsored spousal abuse programs. The federal Defense of Marriage law has the effect of denying various benefits for same-sex partners - joint tax filing, survivor benefits under social security, and the state tax exemptions.

HT to Babyblue!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Two Reporters on Gen Con ...

George Conger is probably *the* religious journalist with the best insight and reflection on all things Anglican. This chat with Kevin Kallsen of Anglican TV is well worth your time.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Two TEC Bishops lament recent decisions

Bishop Peter Beckwith, Episcopal Diocese of Springfield and Bishop Bill Love, Episcopal Diocese of Albany share their thoughts after the ratification of D025:

Thanks to BabyBlue!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Epsicopal Leader defines Heresy!

Great Response By Rev. Canon Julian Dobbs on CBN.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Piper on witness to other faiths.

"Are you saying that unless I follow Jesus Christ I am going to Hell?" John Piper answers: