Thursday, November 20, 2008

Liberals Gearing Up Already

AS mentioned below, with conservatives leaving TEC in Dioceses (vs Droves), the liberals are now ready for THEIR AGENDA push ... It would be funny if it were not so serious .... This will leave small conservative Parishes on the brink of financial destruction as people ease on out the door to other denominations - or more likely the New Anglican Province ... Having been one of those people that have stayed despite the national views, its becoming more difficult every week to not consider the move myself.

From Atlanta:

The council handled seven resolutions, two of them sending a message to the 76th General Convention next summer that the Diocese of Atlanta supports "development of appropriate rites for the celebration and blessing of sacred unions for gay and lesbian persons" and the repeal of General Convention Resolution B033, which, authors said, had "run its course" and brought pain to the gay community. Hearings held on both matters revealed few objections, and the resolutions passed without floor discussion by substantial margins.

And from Central New York:

Diocese of Central New York

Resolution #

Subject: Openness of Ministry

Submitted by: The Very Reverend G. Thomas Luck

WHEREAS there has been much discussion and study around The Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion on the subject of human sexuality and the participation of diverse people in the lay and ordained ministry of this Church; and

WHEREAS this diocese has not stated its view on this subject through Diocesan Convention; and

WHEREAS the General Convention of the Episcopal Church will take place in Anaheim in the Summer of 2009

BE IT RESOLVED that this Convention of the Diocese of Central New York states unequivocally our belief that all orders of ministry, lay and ordained, should be open to all persons regardless of sexual orientation or marital/partnered status, all other canonical requirements being met;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all lay and ordained members of this Diocese are full and valued members of this Diocese regardless of their theological views on this subject, and in no way shall anyone’s ministry suffer negatively if they disagree with this statement.

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